

2013年9月22日 星期日

科羅拉多之夜. Moonlight on the River Colorado



湖面被清風掀起了漣漪 好像在對我細語一般
我對著湖心默默的思念 遠方的友人是否安健
歸來吧 朋友 回到我身邊 碧空中星光點點
天邊的明月 像個大銀盤 科羅拉多美麗的故鄉

水面的漣漪不住地爍閃 好像在對我眨著雙眼
遠方的友人妳是否康健 為甚麼欲語卻又無言
歸來吧 朋友 回到我身邊 月光裡歌聲頻傳
悠揚的旋律緊扣我心弦 科羅拉多美麗的夜晚

Moonlight on the River Colorado
How I wish that I were there with you
As I sit and find each lonely shadow
Takes me back to days that we once knew
We were to wed in harvest time you said
That's why I'm longing for you

When it's moonlight on the Colorado
I wonder if you're waiting for me too
We were to wed in harvest time you said
That's why I'm longing for you-ooo
When it's moonlight on the Colorado
I wonder if you're waiting for me too


